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Posts Tagged ‘blockchain’

Innovating with Money in the Cloud

Though it’s only October, thoughts of gumdrops and sugarplums are already on the minds of retailers. A trip to a retail store reveals Christmas decorations and products already up, complete with the trimmings of wreaths, lights, and more. Undoubtedly, the 4th quarter of the year is also when retailers make the majority of their revenue […]

Blockchain Distilled: The Problems the Technology Solves

Hopefully by know you have heard the term “blockchain” multiple times and have come across multiple definitions. For example, Wikipedia defines it as – “a blockchain — originally, block chain — is a distributed database that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called blocks secured from tampering and revision. Each block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block.” The Wall Street Journal […]

IBM contributes to the blockchain Hyperledger project

I’ve written about blockchain, the technology that underpins Bitcoin on various occasions; having spent time working for a bank and supporting trading floor technology, I am interested in technologies that drive cost and complexity out of transaction. This article in the Wall Street Journal details how IBM is now the largest company support blockchain and […]

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