Docker is a platform for developers and sysadmins to develop, ship, and run applications. Ship the “Dockerized” app and dependencies anywhere – to QA, teammates, or the cloud – without breaking anything. It’s one of the most important purposes to use docker. In Vernon Stinebaker‘s earlier post “Docker, mobile, and putting things in boxes“, he […]
Posts Tagged ‘agile’
Service discovery, segmented networks, and two pieces of Pi
In an earlier blog post I noted that I like things that just work. To this end one of the User Stories I related to the Library in a Box team was “As a mobile app user I would like the library to be found automatically if the library service is available on the network […]
How to implement agile testing on a non-agile project
Often, people think agile testing only can be implemented on an agile project. Actually agile testing is a set of engineering practices, and it can be implemented on any kind of project. For example, as a typical agile testing practice, test-driven requirements can be leveraged in any kind of project. Even for a traditional waterfall project, […]
Would you like a “little rice” with your container?
Sorry, it’s a pun(ny) title. If you haven’t gotten it already, you will soon (ahhh! stop it with the puns already!) My family, colleagues, and people who attend my Scrum training will all attest to my being a big fan of Apple’s products. I appreciate good design and I like things that “just work”. But […]
Docker, mobile, and putting things in boxes
Docker and custom mobile application development are both very hot. Recently we decided to run a small internal project to gain some ‘sleeves-up’ insight into Docker as well as how we could deliver containerized versions of applications. This blog article, along with others to follow from both my colleagues and myself will document some of […]
5 Common Pitfalls for Agile BI Projects
Having recently come off a string of Agile BI projects, I’ve made some observations about factors which can potentially hamstring such efforts. Great (but Unrealistic) Expectations First, Agile is not a silver bullet. It will help deal with rapidly changing requirements, and it will get “something” together, rather than “nothing”. But Agile suits some situations […]
Read/Write from Excel using Sahi Automation Tool
While automating an application, taking the modern automation frameworks into consideration it becomes a necessary action to make our script interact with an excel sheet or csv data file in order to read and write the data. Usually we use excel sheet, as this provides more organized way of storing the data. Let’s see the […]
Adopting Agile in BI Requirement Gathering
There have been numerous discussions and even arguments in terms of a better implementation strategy in BI projects. But there is no doubt that more and more teams are adopting agile processes or spirit into the team as of its value. When we have conversations on agile methodology or agile teams we usually start […]
Some problems in Agile software development practices
I surely think that Agile development methodology has an advantage over traditional development methodologies. But I’ve also found some problems in my Agile practices. I want to discuss them and the possible solutions in this article. 1. Do we still need an architect? I noticed there is no architect in many Agile teams, even in […]
TFS Agile Project Management Wishlist
For several months, I’ve been working on a DW/Reporting project which uses Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2012 for Agile project management. This has been my first experience using that aspect of TFS, so I’ve been alternately surprised, annoyed, gratified, accepting — I’ve run the gamut of human emotions dealing with this tool. I’m a longtime […]
Project thinking pitfalls
Agile values tacit over explicit learning. It’s not that explicit learning isn’t valuable, it is; but it’s the tacit learning — where things become embedded and part of our nature — that is the most valuable. If there were one piece of tacit knowledge that I wish I could transfer (think Vulcan mind meld) it […]
Old habits die hard: the importance of testing
A colleague of mine asked a question on an internal forum today about a web-based Scrum tool. This isn’t an advertisement for any tool, so I’ll not mention the name. (Also, as anyone I’ve trained in Scrum will attest, I recommend a white board and sticky notes as the primary tracking tool whenever possible, even […]