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Posts Tagged ‘Accountable Care Organization’

Collaboration Integral to Healthcare Reform [Video]

During the HIMSS conference last month, we heard many speak on the importance of Accountable Care Organizations, meaningful use, and healthcare analytics in driving healthcare reform. In this interview with John White, Director of Perficient’s Healthcare Practice, the importance of collaborative tools in healthcare reform were discussed. John stated that while discussions around the components […]

How HIE and Collaboration Lead to ACO Success

I listened to an H&HN Daily podcast yesterday titled ACOs Need to Focus on Clinical Care, Too. Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) CEO Maureen Bisognano was interviewed, and there were two themes that struck me in particular: Fragmentation of the patient experience leads to increased cost and decreased patient experience: Bisognano points out that many […]

HIMSS 2011 Trend Watch

Well, it is almost here, the 2011 HIMSS national conference in Orlando, Florida. With all of the changes we have seen in the healthcare industry over the last twelve to eighteen months, this years HIMSS conference promises to address many of the different attendees needs. Whether it is the need to adopt or upgrade your […]

Accountable Care Organizations: Will we be reading in 2011 “Community ACOs Partner with Large Carrier”?

I was reading “2011 Predictions: MU Goes Tactical, ACO Strategic” where John Moore, Chilmark Research, lists 2011 key IT healthcare trends. I have a payer background so my view of ACOs is slanted to the systems and processes that have been put in place over the years at Payers (DM, CM, UM, Wellness, Pharmacy Benefit […]

ACO: “If you build it, they will come”. Really? Not without a Payor Marketing Plan.

There is an ACO belief out there that “if you build it, they will come.” This belief is all based on honorable intentions for the patient and our communities. I just want to know what marketing plan and mobile application was used to contact all the baseball fans to go to Iowa in the movie […]

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