Cloud now represents a substantial portion of IT in most organizations, but there is still more room for growth. As new software solutions emerge in low-code, DevOps, and automation, their requirement for cloud support results in increased cloud investment.
Research firm IDC understands the continued importance of cloud and recently released their predictions for cloud computing in 2018. Not only do the predictions offer hope for continued growth, they also present an overarching vision for the direction of IT.
Here are some of the key highlights:
- Cloud Normalizes: Multi-cloud is a hot topic today and will continue in 2018, according to IDC. The research estimates that 90% of enterprises will deploy multi-cloud, leading to transformation in resource management and discernment in the usage of tools. That said, organizations must continue to focus on how cloud fits within their strategic initiatives. As written on our blog previously, just implementing cloud to follow the competition is a recipe for disaster.
- Public Cloud Drives Innovation: The development of leading platform (PaaS) solutions also drives the adoption of public cloud. IDC states that 30% of enterprises will spend more money on public cloud operations versus their other assets, primarily by those in the exploratory stage. Like the adoption of cloud, platform investment also requires strategic investment.
- The Automation Priority: The continuing IT skills shortage pushes the need for automation, supported by cloud in areas including DevOps and low-code solutions. IDC expects up to 25% of enterprises to address development efficiency through automation in the building of business solutions.
- The Data Dump: The emergence of cloud meant that organizations could create and store more data than ever. IDC expects enterprises to store over 700 Exabytes of data in the next two years as current systems are inadequate. As organizations move towards a data future, they will need to develop strategies around data sharing, protection, and anonymization.
You can read the rest of the report here. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Closing Thoughts
With the future of cloud in mind, how is your organization developing its strategy on cloud? With so many upcoming trends, let our expertise guide you towards the best solution. Reach out to us today at for a conversation with one of our specialists.