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Back-End Development

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Media Indexing Approaches

Sitecore has powerful search capabilities for those who are interested in runtime performance. Lucene is embedded by default with a standard set of indexes for all databases that is automatically refreshed upon change of content. LINQ-based queries allow you to easily retrieve documents and filter them. So, to make a website faster, it’s wise not […]

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SCORE 2.0 Component Assembly 101, Part 1: The Basic Component

If you’re a seasoned Sitecore developer, feel free to skip this post. If your company just bought SCORE and you’re looking for information on how to build things “the SCORE way,” you found it. I want to get into some theory, some nomenclature and the mindset of a SCORE developer.   What it means to […]

Two programmers working on some coding together

How I Fought a Common Cliché in the IT Industry

In the world and today’s society, there are many clichés; I think clichés can be some of the most hurtful things as they prevent us from knowing a new person with different nationality, religion, skin color, or different musical taste. At the end of the day, we are just people who do the same things, […]

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Using Gulp and Unicorn within a SCORE scaffolded project

I would like to share some findings from my investigation into the replacement of TDS with alternative open source tools such as Gulp and Unicorn. Gulp is a toolkit that will help you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow, including build operations. Gulp is a pure JavaScript module for NodeJS. JavaScript is […]

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To branch or not to branch? Part II

In my previous post we talked about the major purpose for which the branch templates were originally invented: create different kinds of hierarchies in one click. We covered one of the cases: page hierarchy. Now let’s have a look at another case. Renderings Hierarchy (Case II) Another type of the hierarchy that is often created […]


To branch or not to branch? Part I

Once a upon a time we were creating a website using Sitecore. We met in the conference room and started pretty peacefully. We were peaceful when were discussing how many page types we would need, we were still peaceful when we were talking what rendering we would have on each page type, and then… Someone […]


Off By One Hour

[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]Sitecore 8 added timezone support to all dates. Make sure you read this section of the documentation if you are not familiar.[/su_note] Intro We were mostly careful with our dates and put our Sitecore into GMT Standard Time from the very beginning to avoid converting things back and forth: Turns out – and it’s […]

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xDB: Tracking the Untrackable – Part 2

[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]In part 1 I showed you how you can make untrackable MVC and Web API endpoints trackable. Let’s see what we now can do with it.[/su_note] Attribution A little bit of xDB glossary first. A visit is an interaction. A hit is a page. If we just start tracking our MVC and Web API […]

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xDB: Tracking the Untrackable – Part 1

[su_note note_color=”#fafafa”]Tracking page visits is easy. It just works. A user visits a page and the analytics pipelines attached to the request processing cycle do their thing. Modern sites and web apps do a lot of dynamic and asynchronous data lookups – they try to provide a better user experience by actively loading partials or […]

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xDB Reports with Powershell

101 First things first. To collect analytics you have to make sure you tell Sitecore you are not a robot: Also, if you are running locally you may as well disable robots: Next, if you have a way to identify your users you have to do so explicitly. The site I am working on is […]


Duplicate Setting Can Kill You

An Important Question Setting Imagine that you have a config patch I.Am.The.Only.One.config with: Then for some environments you add Nope.You.Are.Not.config with: You probably wanted it to be: but you forgot. To Be Sitecore can handle a duplicate setting. It will complain on startup: but then it will pick one of the two values and it […]

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Web API, SimpleInjector, and AnalyticsDataController

Sitecore.Services.Client I am currently working on a very unique app. It’s not a traditional Sitecore architecture. Very far from it actually. Data driven, lots of client side renderings over raw data (JSON), dynamically loaded content fragments, and topped with personalization, analytics, and Sitecore playing content as a service role. Very cool I must say. Long […]

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