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Here’s Why Videos


Why You Must Become a 10X Brand – Here’s Why #55

These days it’s not enough to be just a brand. You’ve got to be a 10 X brand: ten times better known, ten times more trusted, ten times more referenced than any of your competitors. In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark and Eric will discuss not only what makes a 10X brand, but what […]


Why Some SEO “Experts” are not Really Experts – Here’s Why #54

Since people realized that there was money to be made in the business of Search Engine Optimization, many have self-proclaimed that they are experts or “gurus.” Some indeed have legitimate claims and practice white hat SEO, but just as many or more don’t. In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark & Eric will explain what […]


Here’s Why Digital Marketing Will Never be the Same (with Rand Fishkin) – Here’s Why #53

Here’s Why is a series dedicated to bringing you the most current and relevant developments in the world of digital marketing. For 52 episodes, Mark and Eric have lent their expertise to make these videos both fun and informative. For the very first time, they welcome a guest; but not any old guest, a very, […]


Here’s Why Some Content Goes Viral – Here’s Why #52

Most people assume that viral content is a matter of luck. Luck can play a part. Sometimes a piece of content happens to coincide with a relevant news event or it happens to get in front of the right influencers, and zoom, off it goes. But in reality, there are certain commonalities that most viral […]


Here’s Why You Need to Know FTC Regulations – Here’s Why #51

Over the past few years, the FTC has been releasing a series of enforceable guidelines for online advertisers, content producers, and social media users. The guidelines are meant to protect consumers from potential fraud or deceptive practices. Don’t let ignorance of Federal Trade Commission regulations for social media land you in Internet jail! In this […]


Here’s Why Turns 50: Eric & Mark’s Best Tips! – Here’s Why #50

It has been quite the journey over our past 49 episodes of Here’s Why. We could not be happier to bring you a special, 50th edition episode. Mark and Eric look back and discuss tips and trends from the past year, as well as taking a look at Here’s Why’s past! The digital marketing landscape […]


Why Your Content Isn’t Getting Links – Here’s Why #49

In the last episode, Eric and Mark told you why your content wasn’t getting the amount of shares that you would ideally like it to get. In this episode, they continue with the theme but shift their focus from shares to links. It can be hard to predict what content really takes off and drives […]


Why Your Content Isn’t Getting Shared – Here’s Why #48

Why Isn’t My Content Getting Shared More? The amount of effort you put into a published piece of content does not always correlate to the amount of social shares it ends up getting. It can get frustrating; you put a lot of time and effort in, just to find a small or nonexistent audience. Never […]


Why Your Guest Post Pitches Are Failing – Here’s Why #47

Are your pitches to guest post on publishing sites falling flat? Are you trying many different approaches with the same, negative results? Have no fear! Eric and Mark are here to turn your content marketing pitches around! In this episode of Here’s Why, the guys will tell you when and how to pitch, but not […]


Why Influencers Aren’t Paying Attention to You – Here’s Why #46

Forming strong relationships with influencers can become the backbone of an effective content marketing plan. However, while you might find yourself trying and trying to get the attention of one, the influencer can still ignore you. In this episode of Here’s Why, Mark and Eric will help you find out why your efforts are going […]


Why eCommerce Sites Need Better SEO Tagging – Here’s Why #45

In today’s episode, Mark and Eric discuss the findings of Eric’s study: Do eCommerce Sites Completely Mess Up Their SEO? It was a bit troubling to find out that many major eCommerce sites do not implement their SEO tags properly, at all. Only about 25% of the pages we looked at were using their tags correctly. […]


Why Google Still Loves Wikipedia – Here’s Why #44

People who follow search are aware that for years now Google has given huge preference to Wikipedia for a large number of knowledge-seeking queries. This has actually been called into question as of late. A report published in July showed that Wikipedia had experienced a significant drop in organic search traffic sent by Google. Eric […]

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