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Mohammed Sabir

Mohammed is a technical consultant working as a front-end developer with React/Redux and other JS frameworks. He has over four years of experience in front-end and back-end development. Mohammed likes exploring developing and evolving technologies every day, and he believes in the "lifelong learning" concept.

Blogs from this Author

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What’s New in React19?

Recently, React released React19 Beta. It includes some exciting changes, updates, APIs, and hooks. This React 19 update article will cover some significant new hooks we need to understand, as well as reference code and working snapshots. Contents: Introduction to React Compiler. Document Metadata. Automatic Re-rendering with the inbuilt memo, useMemo, and useCallback hooks. API […]

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9 Ways to Pass Drupal Acquia Site Studio Certification – 2021

One of the most popular Drupal developer examinations is the Site Studio 6.x exam. This exam verifies that your Site Studio Drupal concepts are clear and that you are qualified to work on Drupal projects. The exam also validates that you are professionally an expert and able to work and deliver projects on Acquia and Drupal platforms.  Acquia has several different levels and examination modules. In this […]