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Kate Tuttle

Kate Tuttle is a senior marketing professional with more than 13 years of marketing experience in both B2B and B2C environments. She has more than 7 years of healthcare industry experience and is passionate about technology and its impact on consumer experience.

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Blogs from this Author

Time for Chicken Sandwiches Not Steak Dinners In Healthcare

The cost of healthcare is at an all-time high and many people feel the fee-for-service model is the main culprit for the skyrocketing costs. From a logical standpoint it makes sense, healthcare providers get paid more by providing more services. As humans we tend to consume too much and spend too much, therefore, ditching the […]

Perficient Provides PIH New Tools In The Fight For Global Health

Kent Larson, Director at Perficient recently posted a blog about Partners In Health (PIH) and the new Microsoft tools they are using to help enable their mission to provide a preferential option for the poor in healthcare. PIH is one of many organizations leading a coalition to combat the Ebola outbreak, working alongside two other […]

The Problem with Health IT is in the Definition

There has been a lot of debate around the challenges within the healthcare industry. Much of the discussion stems from the fee-for-service model and the focus on services and reimbursement rather than the patient. Health information technology has its own set of challenges when it comes to addressing healthcare issues. If we truly want to […]

Upcoming Webinar: Combine Data to Enable Translational Medicine

The success of translational medicine is in the data and the ability to combine multiple sources of data to enable better patient care and outcomes. Unfortunately most academic research organizations (ARO) and hospitals have multiple systems that house data creating an inability to mine through the data to identify clinical insights, disease patterns or treatment […]

Patient Information Really Doesn’t Matter

We live in a world of information, everywhere we turn someone is collecting information about us. The technology advancements over the last 10 years are mind-boggling, but new technology is usually escorted by apprehension as our privacy continues to diminish and security is anything but secure. From cookies on the internet to a basket analysis […]

3 Questions Apple Must Answer to Reduce HealthKit Skepticism

There has been a lot of buzz around Apple’s announcement to enter the healthcare space with the unveiling of their Apple Watch and HealthKit app. HealthKit seems to be gaining momentum due in large part to Apple’s strategic partnerships with healthcare industry heavy-hitters. However, many questions remain unanswered and Apple must address them to gain […]

Apple: The New Digital Hub for Healthcare Data

In 2001, Apple introduced the ipod, and even though they weren’t the first to create a digital music player, the innovation, convenience and simple integration into iTunes, helped the ipod take digital music to the masses. Apple hopes to have a similar experience with the Apple Watch. In a much anticipated event the tech giant […]

Re-think the Customer Portal Using Cloud

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) has had an enormous effect on health plan organizations. ACA has created choices for consumers, impacted health plan business models and changed how they serve their members. Health plans are investing in technologies that align with their business strategies and seek scalable and flexible options that improve member interactions and […]

7 Features the Market Wants in Your Patient Portal: Blog Series

In case you missed it, we recently concluded our blog series on What the Market Says You Need in Your Patient Portal. Two of our healthcare experts, Melody Smith Jones, Manager of Connected Health (@melsmithjones) and Nick Lecker, Director of Architecture and Interoperability teamed up to take a deeper look into the 7 features that […]

The Intersection of Cost and Quality Meets at the Patient

Embracing data-driven decision making in a healthcare setting requires agile thinking to pinpoint and respond to the short- and long-term needs of the organization. This shift requires finance departments to transcend from the typical focus on aggregating data to a value-added analytical view of hospital data. This new approach will provide greater visibility into changes […]

The eGate Migraine – A Road Map to eGate Migration

Oracle’s decision to sunset the eGate HL7 integration engine has been a little bit of a headache for healthcare organizations. In reality, it has been an ongoing migraine for those who have not replaced it. eGate customer support is virtually unheard of, and if you are lucky enough to find skilled developers with specific Java […]

Reduce Hospital Re-admissions with Business Intelligence Tools

Steven Gregor, Microsoft Business Intelligence Consultant at Perficient, has been working with a client to help reduce readmission rates, a key component of the Affordable Care Act. Often times healthcare organizations have a difficult time analyzing readmission data because it is located in multiple systems. The use of business intelligence tools allows data to be […]

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