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Chad Johnson

Chad is a Principal of Search and Knowledge Discovery at Perficient. He was previously the Director of Perficient's national Google for Work practice.

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Blogs from this Author

Staffing a successful Google Search Appliance implementation

Congratulations, you have either purchased or are interested in purchasing the Google Search Appliance.  You will soon be able to search until your heart is content.  Your friends will be jealous. Now might be a good time to think about the staff required to deploy and maintain your cool new toy investment. The Google Search Appliance, being […]

Where does metadata come from?

In my last post, I discussed several ways that metadata can be used in a Google Search Appliance solution.  But where does metadata come from? Let’s hold on to that question for just a second, and start with an even simpler one. What is metadata? Every record in a Google Search Appliance (such a document, a web page)  […]

Why do I need metadata?

When architecting Google Search Appliance implementations, I am often asked if additional metadata needs to be loaded into the GSA for the project to be successful.  The client is usually considering the cost and benefit of manually or automatically tagging additional metadata for every document. I typically address this question by pointing out precisely how […]

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