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Comparator Interface and Collator Class

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Salesforce development involves handling various data manipulation tasks, including sorting and comparing data. Two important tools in Java and Apex, which is Salesforce’s programming language, are the Comparator Interface and the Collator Class. These tools help developers efficiently compare objects, sort them, and ensure proper data handling in various use cases. They are particularly useful for processing records, displaying results, and sorting lists.

In this blog, we will be exploring the Comparator Interface and Collator Class.

What is the Comparator Interface?

The Comparator Interface is part of Java and is also implemented in Apex. It provides a way to define custom sorting logic for objects, especially when the default Comparable interface isn’t sufficient. By implementing the Comparator interface, developers can create complex sorting rules for lists, maps, or other collections, making it one of the most flexible options for sorting data.

In Salesforce, the Comparator interface is commonly used when you need to sort records based on specific business logic that goes beyond natural ordering (e.g., sorting by date, custom fields, or conditions).

How the Comparator Interface Works in Apex

In Apex, the Comparator interface is implemented by defining a method compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) that compares two objects and returns an integer based on their relative order.

  • compare() method:
    • Returns a negative number if obj1 is less than obj2.
    • Returns a positive number if obj1 is greater than obj2.
    • Returns zero if obj1 and obj2 are equal.

Implementing the Comparator Interface

Suppose we have a list of Account objects, and we need to sort them based on their AnnualRevenue. Here’s how you can implement the Comparator interface to sort these accounts in descending order of AnnualRevenue.

public class AccountRevenueComparator implements Comparator {
    public Integer compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
        Account acc1 = (Account) obj1;
        Account acc2 = (Account) obj2;
        if (acc1.AnnualRevenue > acc2.AnnualRevenue) {
            return -1; // acc1 comes before acc2
        } else if (acc1.AnnualRevenue < acc2.AnnualRevenue) {
            return 1; // acc1 comes after acc2
        } else {
            return 0; // They are equal


  • compare(): This method compares the AnnualRevenue of two Account objects and returns -1, 1, or 0 depending on the comparison result.
  • Sorting: You can now sort a list of Account objects using this comparator.
List<Account> accounts = [SELECT Name, AnnualRevenue FROM Account];
accounts.sort(new AccountRevenueComparator());

This will sort the accounts list in descending order based on their AnnualRevenue field.

What is the Collator Class?

The Collator Class is another important tool for comparing strings in a locale-sensitive manner. While the Comparator interface is used for comparing objects in a custom way, the Collator class is specialized for comparing text strings, mainly when dealing with internationalization (i18n) or localization (l10n) issues.

When dealing with text in different languages and regions, string comparison can become complex due to variations in alphabets, accent marks, case sensitivity, and special characters. The Collator class helps handle these variations in a more standardized and predictable way.

How the Collator Class Works in Apex

The Collator class is practical when you want to compare strings based on the rules of a specific locale, considering factors such as language and regional differences.

  • The Collator class is designed to handle string comparisons in ways that reflect how people from different regions might sort or compare them. For example, some languages sort characters in different orders, and the Collator handles this appropriately.

Using the Collator Class

Let’s say you want to compare two strings based on the locale of a country or region (like fr for French, en for English). Here’s an example of how you can use the Collator class to compare strings based on locale in Salesforce:

String str1 = 'café';
String str2 = 'cafe';

// Using Collator to compare strings in French locale
Collator collator = Collator.getInstance('fr');
Integer result =, str2);

if (result == 0) {
    System.debug('The strings are considered equal.');
} else if (result < 0) {
    System.debug('The first string comes before the second string.');
} else {
    System.debug('The first string comes after the second string.');


  • Collator.getInstance('fr'): This retrieves a Collator instance for the French locale. This means it will compare strings according to French sorting rules.
  • compare(): The method returns a negative number if the first string comes before the second, a positive number if it comes after, and 0 if they are equal.

This example is helpful when handling multilingual data in Salesforce, where string comparison is not just about alphabetic order but also about regional differences in how characters are sorted.

Comparator vs. Collator: When to Use Each

While both the Comparator and Collator classes are used for comparisons, they serve different purposes:

  • Use the Comparator interface:
    • When you need to compare and sort complex objects like records (e.g., Account, Contact, or custom objects).
    • When the comparison logic depends on multiple fields or custom business logic (e.g., comparing records by a combination of fields such as revenue and date).
  • Use the Collator class:
    • When comparing string data with sensitivity to locale and language-specific rules.
    • When you need to compare textual data in a way that respects the cultural nuances of sorting and comparing, such as accents, alphabetic order, or case.


This blog explored the powerful tools that Salesforce developers can leverage to compare and sort data: the Comparator interface and the Collator class.

  • The Comparator interface is essential when working with custom sorting logic for objects in Apex, such as sorting records by custom fields or business rules.
  • The Collator class is perfect for comparing strings in a way that accounts for language and regional differences, ensuring that your app provides the right results no matter the user’s locale.

By understanding and applying these two concepts, you can enhance the flexibility and functionality of your Salesforce applications, whether you’re sorting complex data or comparing strings in a multilingual context.

Happy coding, and don’t hesitate to experiment with these features to streamline your Salesforce data management processes!

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Reena Joseph

Reena Joseph, our Senior Technical Consultant at Perficient, boasts 3.5 years of experience and holds the prestigious 3x Salesforce Certified title. Her trailblazing spirit is evident with 100 badges on Trailheads, showcasing her commitment to continuous learning. Not limited to Salesforce, Reena has also mastered SQL and Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 on Hacker Rank. Beyond certifications, her passion for staying abreast of technological advancements is seen in her avid reading habits. In the dynamic tech world, Reena Joseph stands ready to drive innovation and inspire with her dedication to excellence.

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