This is a quick and easy recipe to install the EPM Integration Agent on your on-premises environment.
The goal is to showcase how easy the installation can be done.
- Download EPM Agent installer from your EPM Cloud Instance. On Data Exchange, go to the Actions drop-down menu and click Download Agent
- Unzip .zip file on your on-premises server.
- Create a EPM folders using the CreateAppFolder.bat command.
- Encrypt the password using the EncryptPassword.bat command:You enter your password here. It will not display what it is being entered.
After hitting enter, it will produce an encrypted password that needs to be copied to the configuration file. - Edit your .ini file. This configuration file is created by the CreateAppFolder.bat script and is is located inside the config folder.For this example, only the CLOUD_URL, CLOUD_USER_NAME and CLOUD_PASSWORD are needed.
- Start the EPM Agent.The command to start the agent is epmagent.bat path\configfile.ini
- Verify Agent in your EPM Cloud instance. On the Actions menu, click on Agent.
This action will open the Agent Cluster page. Select the cluster (in this case I used EPMCluster, the default cluster name).
Click on the EPMCluster to display the Agents running under this cluster
And with this, you will have an running agent. On a future post, I’ll show a sample usage of this agent to extract data from an On-Premises database.
Also published here.
Thanks for reading.