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Empowering Women in Technology Panel Recap – Breaking Barriers and Building Futures

Panelist Group Photo 2 (3)

Last month, Perficient, in collaboration with Salesforce and Women in Technology (WIT), hosted a dynamic panel titled “Empowering Women in Technology: Breaking Barriers and Building Futures”. The event celebrated women leaders and innovators, focusing on strategies to overcome challenges and advance impactful careers in tech. Moderated by Megan Glasow, leader of Perficient’s global Salesforce practice, and Amy Olthouse, Director of GSI Alliances at Salesforce, the panel featured: 

Jackie Chambers de Freitas | VP, Agile Delivery and Coaching at Salesforce 

Jennifer Baker | Business, Tech, and Transformation Executive, Women in Technology 

Ryan Radding | SVP, Financial Services at Salesforce 

The discussion was packed with valuable insights and personal stories, offering practical advice for navigating the tech space. Here are the key takeaways: 

AI in Our Daily Lives 

AI was a central topic, with panelists emphasizing its growing role in industries and daily life. Staying up to date with AI developments is critical to staying relevant in tech. Whether building AI solutions or utilizing AI tools, understanding its impact on business processes and customer experiences is essential for leadership in today’s digital world. 

Jennifer Baker highlighted the need for AI leadership, saying, “Everyone plays a part in AI ownership, ethics, and governance, but if you want to make a real impact, mastering organizational change management as a soft skill is crucial.” 

The Power of Mentorship 

Mentorship was another central theme, with the panelists sharing how their mentors shaped their careers. They encouraged the audience to actively seek mentors, rather than waiting for one to appear.  

Jackie Chambers de Freitas shared, “As someone who’s often seen as a mentor, I’ve learned that even at this stage of my career, I can benefit from mentors. Start with your peers—they’ll be honest with you. But don’t hesitate to reach out to younger people, too. Stay humble, and be open to learning from those who are proficient in areas you may not be.” 

Having mentors helps identify blind spots and navigate career challenges. 

Tactics for Career Advancement 

Career progression is a priority for many, and the panelists provided actionable strategies for overcoming obstacles. They emphasized the importance of leveraging your unique skills, building relationships, and proactively seeking opportunities.  

Managing Burnout and The Power of Saying No 

The panel also addressed burnout, offering advice on managing stress. Ryan Radding shared, “Every year brings new challenges, and while there’s no easy solution, developing the discipline to prioritize is key. If everything is a priority, nothing is.” 

Learning to say “no” is also essential for maintaining the quality of your work and well-being. Jennifer Baker stressed, “If you never say no, your work and health will suffer. Setting boundaries is critical for long-term success.” 

Time Management Is a Superpower 

Time management was another focus. The panelists suggested finding a balance that works for you, rather than sticking to rigid schedules. Jennifer Baker shared, “Switch up your schedule if it helps. Maybe reserve certain mornings for meetings and dedicate afternoons to deep work. Everyone needs a ‘power hour’—a dedicated time to wrap up tasks and prepare for what’s next.” 

Seek Professional Help When Needed 

Finally, the panelists encouraged seeking professional help when mental health is at risk. Jackie Chambers de Freitas shared, “About 15 years ago, I hit a point where I wasn’t showing up as a great wife, sister, or friend, and I needed more support. Don’t hesitate to seek therapy—it made a huge difference in my life.” 

Empowering the Future: Support WIT and Help Women and Girls Thrive in STEAM 

As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, Women In Technology  is committed to empowering women and girls from the classroom to the boardroom. Consider donating today. Your contribution is vital in supporting programs, such as: 

  • WIT Girls, which helps middle and high school girls 
  • WIT Campus, providing guidance for college women 
  • WIT Careers, supporting women in their professional journeys and career transitions 
  • WIT Single Mothers, assisting underserved single mothers from disadvantaged communities 
  • WIT Connect and WIT Women of the Year events, celebrating women in STEAM 

Your donation ensures WIT can continue uplifting women and girls in STEAM: 

Supporting Girls Who Code at Dreamforce 2024 – Shaping the Present and the Future 

At Perficient, our commitment to shattering barriers extends beyond the event. We believe in driving equity and inclusion throughout the industry, and that responsibility starts with us. 

This year at Dreamforce 2024, we are proud to partner with Girls Who Code, an organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology. Together, we aim to transform perceptions of what a programmer looks like and does, while creating pathways to opportunity. 

By supporting Girls Who Code, we are taking meaningful steps to educate and create career opportunities within our communities. This initiative aligns with our mission to provide a fulfilling career experience that supports both personal and professional growth. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the event’s success. We’re excited to continue breaking barriers and building futures in tech! 

Visit #PerficientDreamforce2024 to learn more.  

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Shanna Lueders

Shanna Lueders is the Salesforce Marketing Manager supporting marketing activities for Perficient's Salesforce partnership. In her role, Shanna collaborates closely with the sales and leadership teams to drive marketing initiatives and achieve business goals. Shanna also brings valuable experience from her time as an account manager for brands including Papa John's Inc. and Ulta Beauty. Outside of work, Shanna enjoys reading, writing, music, cooking, spending time with family, traveling, and antiquing.

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