From Amazon to Angie’s List, the last decade has brought a new customer voice to the forefront, empowering users and demanding transparency from brands.
Rants and review fraud aside, online reviews offer a glimpse inside what it is like to use a product, visit a store, or in the case of Glassdoor, work for an employer.
About Glassdoor
Glassdoor is an online job site where people go to get a feel for what it’s like to work at a company. “Glassdoor offers candidates a chance to look for jobs and read authentic and transparent reviews from employees currently and formerly employed in an organization.”
Glassdoor provides insight into leadership, culture, competitive benchmarking, the interview and onboarding process, and more.
Why is Glassdoor Important?
Like your coworkers? You might consider leaving a Glassdoor review. Forbes reports Glassdoor says there is a 30% greater retention rate among hires that use their site, which makes sense because when it comes to fit, the more information you have, the better decision you can make.
Perficient is always seeking the best and brightest to join our team, making Glassdoor an important channel for us. By taking the time to leave a rating and review, you are helping directly influence our potential employees, bringing better skilled, more dedicated and passionate talent to our teams.

A recent group of graduates begins their 2020 Perficient journey with our Corporate Onboarding Program at the St. Louis headquarters.
Perficient on Glassdoor
As you can see, our 4.1 Glassdoor rating (and well-deserved 94% CEO rating!) exceeds the average rating on Glassdoor. Our high scores enable us to consistently attract top talent and maintain the outstanding organization we have built.
Leaving an Employer Review
Great reviews help make people want to work here, making Glassdoor the perfect place to share what makes Perficient so unique and special. If you’re ready to leave an employer review, here are a few things to consider in order to create an accurate, fair, and useful review for others.
- Be sure to review and follow the Community Guidelines to ensure everyone can benefit from a helpful, balanced, and authentic community.
- Each individual should submit only one review, per employer, per year, per review type (e.g. company review, interview review, salary review, benefit review, etc.).
- Your content should be related to jobs you have held (or interviews you have had) within the last five years so it’s relevant to today’s job seeker.
- Above all else, honesty is key.
Composing a Glassdoor Review
Leaving a company rating is important, but thoughtful reviews really help paint the picture about what it is like to work at Perficient. Composing what exactly goes into that review is another story. Here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing.
- Outline your role for the company, including a pertinent job history like promotions or team changes, or if you are a part of any employee committees
- Refrain from using client names for Glassdoor reviews
- Describe the office space, work environment, or your desk set up
- Explain the opportunities to engage with Perficient outside of your regular job duties, such as philanthropic activities, community involvement, or company events
- Include any training, conferences, or certifications you’ve earned since joining Perficient
- Share three words best describe the culture at Perficient
- Describe your coworkers and what it’s like working with them
- Showcase how Perficient operates by strong values and ethics
- Share what you have learned since starting at Perficient
Writing Prompts
If helpful, you can also finish answering these writing prompts to craft a review.
- Since starting at Perficient, I have learned:
- I enjoy working at Perficient because:
- A day in the life of a Perficient employee includes:
- At work, I’m looking forward to:
- Perficient makes my work life easier by:
- I’m proud to work at Perficient because:

The Perficient team proudly accepts the honor of Microstrategy North American Partner of the Year.
How to Leave a Glassdoor Review
Glassdoor has made it extremely easy to write a company review. To leave a review for Perficient, click the button below and follow the prompts.
- Sign in to your Glassdoor account
- Click Write Review at the top right of the page
- Select Company Review
- Choose your Employer Status
- Rate your company by choosing a star rating, and add details in the fields provided
- Add feedback up to 5000 characters for overall rating, title of your review (this is the review headline that displays on the site), pros, cons, advice to management, job title, and location
- Click the box to verify you agree to Glassdoor’s Terms of Use, and to acknowledge that the review of your experience is truthful
- Click Submit Review
What Perficient Employees Have Said on Glassdoor
We know Perficient is a great place to work, but don’t take our word for it — take our employees’. Check out the employer reviews directly from the people that make Perficient a top place to work year after year.
As we are always seeking to optimize the Perficient employee experience, what ways have you seen companies celebrate their employees? Leave us a note in the comments and we might try your idea!
At Perficient, we continually look for ways to champion and challenge our talented workforce with interesting projects for high-profile clients, encourage personal and professional growth through training and mentoring, and celebrate our people-oriented culture and the innovative ways they serve Perficient and the community.
Learn more about what it’s like to work at Perficient at our Careers page.
Go inside Life at Perficient and connect with us on LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
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