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Life at Perficient

Finding Inspiration at CHIWITCON


The Chicago Women in Technology Conference (CHIWITCON) is an inspiring yearly event. Our Chicago office knew they wanted to attend and grow their presence because of their experience last year. This year Perficient had 11 women from 5 different business units and two different offices, Chicago and Atlanta, attend.

The talk topics ranged from Self-Advocacy to Security Considerations to Imposter Syndrome to Serverless Architecture to Productivity Hacks. The event “brings the achievements, aspirations, and career interests of inspiring individuals in technology to the forefront”.


Our team at CHIWITCON

“For me taking a day from the normal client/project work for personal development and inspiration is a great way to recharge and make sure I’m putting my best self forward every day with my team and client,” said Shannon Geraci, senior solutions architect at Perficient.

Our team had a great time hearing from some of the brightest talent in Chicago. The event puts a focus on creating equal opportunities for everyone to learn and flourish in the workplace regardless of gender. This year our team also decided to sponsor the event in addition to attending. By being a sponsor we had an opportunity to network with the attendees during the conference and in between talks. We look forward to next year’s CHIWITCON!

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Sarah Shapiro, Regional Marketing Manager

Sarah Shapiro is a Regional Marketing Manager based out of St. Louis, Missouri. Sarah oversees marketing efforts for Perficient's GEO business units across the United States. She is a proud member of Perficient's Women in Tech ERG and serves on the Special Olympics of Missouri Young Professionals Board

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