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Why You Should Learn about AMP’s New Features – Here’s Why #227

Eric Enge on Why You Should Learn About Amp's New Features

Google just announced two major additions to AMP that will help developers’ jobs become easier in improving the mobile experience for site visitors.

In this episode of the popular Here’s Why digital marketing video series, Eric shares some of AMP’s new features and why you should learn about them.

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Google recently announced two major additions to AMP. I’m going to talk about those in today’s video. First of all, one of those is called Bento AMP. What is Bento AMP? Basically, this is a new program to make any of AMP’s components usable on all web pages. By that, I mean usable on web pages that aren’t fully AMP but just partially AMP. This is cool because it allows you to benefit from the speed benefits of the specific AMP component without committing to coding the complete page in AMP. Here’s what Google’s Weston Ruter said about it.

Weston Ruter On Bento Amp
AMP components are built using custom elements, which are already a web standard. Bento AMP is about ensuring these components work on non-AMP pages. They already mostly work now, but this is about them being officially supported without the AMP run time’s additional benefits. One thing I should mention further about Bento AMP is that right now, it’s not officially available, so it’s still in a “coming soon” status.

In addition, AMP now supports the use of some forms of arbitrary JavaScript. Here’s what the AMP dev website says about it. AMP has created <amp-script>, a component that allows the use of arbitrary JavaScript on your AMP page without affecting the page’s overall performance. How this works is that <amp-script> registers a Web Worker that runs in a separate thread. As a result, the Web Worker chooses JavaScript libraries, such as React and jQuery, without modification. There do remain some limitations on what is supported, but many key functions are. This basically enables you to do many things that you previously could not do before with AMP. Together, Bento AMP and <amp-script> significantly extend what you can do with AMP that makes it much more accessible to more and more website developers.

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Eric Enge

Eric Enge is part of the Digital Marketing practice at Perficient. He designs studies and produces industry-related research to help prove, debunk, or evolve assumptions about digital marketing practices and their value. Eric is a writer, blogger, researcher, teacher, and keynote speaker and panelist at major industry conferences. Partnering with several other experts, Eric served as the lead author of The Art of SEO.

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