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OneStream and its Place in the Market

When I first starting working with OneStream over a year ago I found myself saying, “well XYZ did this better” and “why is it so much harder in OneStream to do X. Slowly, but surely, I realized this was just a product of my lack of fully understanding of the platform, being set in my ways, and the fact it’s still a new platform with little literature and reference material on the web. But once I embraced what OneStream was and not what it wasn’t, plus a few clients under the belt, the door “flew” open and I was all onboard!

Onestream - Modern Accounting: How to Overcome Financial Close Challenges
Modern Accounting: How to Overcome Financial Close Challenges

Improvements in each of the following period-close core tasks can provide transformative change and are reviewed in this guide include closing the books and external reporting, periodic reconciliations, and managing the period-close process.

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With each passing day, I’m continually impressed with OneStream…just when I think it can’t be done, boom, here is another feature or capability that makes this platform the true future for CPM!

OneStream provides the ultimate platform for CPM with the flexibility to customize the solution for the consumer’s needs, while also providing the framework to allow business users manage their financial processes without full IT management. OneStream is continually pushing to envelope in the CPM market space and is a true innovator across all software vendors. I’ve worked in the CPM space for 12+ years, aligned with one of the leaders in the CPM marketplace and since the move to OneStream, I feel this platform is the future of CPM.

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Scott Deiss

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