I always appreciate a visually appealing site or app. You know how it works: you’re clicking around and come to a website that makes you sit back and think, “Ahh, this is where I want to be.” You might even share the link with a few friends or colleagues. You assume when you dig into the site, you’ll be able to easily find the product or service you want and complete some kind of transaction. Perfect, right?
Then you stumble upon something like:
- Unclear, ambiguous or made-up words for navigation labels: If you are trying to sell Four-Wheeled People Moving Machines, try referring to them as cars. Keep it simple and intuitive.
- Hidden calls to action: Now what? Make it obvious what your user should do next.
- Long or clunky forms: Keep it brief, and don’t ask for more information than you’ll actually use.
- The ever-frustrating unclickableness: What? That’s totally a real word, and we’ve all experienced it.
[un cliq uh-bul-nis] adjective.
- The experience of expecting a link or picture to be interactive, but nothing happens when you click.
- No matter how many times or how hard you poke your screen, it stays the same.
Remember, your company isn’t the only one providing a particular product or service. So if visitors experience any of the above, they will probably just try another company.
The Basics for a Better Digital Experience
Now let’s assume you’re getting the desired traffic, but not the conversions. People will consider something a bad experience if they can’t easily find or buy what they want.

1. Create a limited set of high-level navigation options with no overlap. If you are selling oil filters, start by categorizing them by vehicle type – passenger vehicles, heavy machines, etc. I’ll gladly perform an extra click or two if it ensures I’m going down the right path and won’t be distracted by irrelevant items.
2. Speak the same language as your customers. You’re immersed in your industry jargon every day, so the words you use to identify something your company sells are probably a lot different than how your customers would describe it.
Most people don’t know which oil filter their car needs, but they definitely know what make, model and year of car they drive, so let them drill-down that way.
3. Offer a robust search feature. There will always be users who know exactly what they want, so it is important to have a robust search feature on your site that will return results for inquiries in multiple formats, e.g., brand, size, item number, etc.

Hooray, your customers found what they want! Now what?
There is no such thing as an idiot-proof process, so always:
1. Make the conversion step stupidly obvious. Seriously, subtle calls-to-action might look beautiful, but if your users can’t find them quickly or don’t understand them, they will be outta there faster than you can …
2. Show customers how many steps there are, and where they are in the process at all times.
3. Populate default options, e.g.,standard shipping, saved credit card and shipping address.
Not only will people will pay a little bit more for an experience that is simple, they will be far more likely to make this website or app their trusted go-to. Remember, these tips can not only get you repeat business, but more referrals. With the prominence of social media, when people have a great digital experience, they are likely to recommend it to others, too.
How to Learn More
Looking for more ways to build a better digital experience? Check out the related posts below. And if you have any questions, just ask. We’ll be happy to help.