We’re now well into the second half of 2017, with summer in full swing. As fast as the year has progressed, there’s still time to complete your innovation goals if you haven’t already.
One goal of interest for many organizations is DevOps, an agile strategy focused on transforming organizational collaboration, communication, and go-to-market strategies. With 70% of Global 500 companies planning to adopt DevOps by the end of the year, it’s only right that CIOs and technology leaders place this development philosophy on their to-do lists.
If you’re considering IBM UrbanCode and Bluemix as a part of your development strategy, our guide can help. We include the 5 steps all organizations need to consider in mapping their DevOps success, as well as a detailed checklist to leave no stone unturned.
Download the guide today and let us know if you have any questions at sales@perficient.com. We look forward to helping you explore the possibilities of innovation!