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Life at Perficient

Giving Back with Microsoft at The Fishing School

Our Microsoft team looks forward to the annual Microsoft Inspire conference (formerly known as the Worldwide Partner Conference) for many reasons. Keynotes and networking are big draws, but we especially enjoy the opportunity to give back through the U.S. One Commercial Partner (OCP) community project.
In 2016, we sponsored and participated in Microsoft’s community outreach event in support of the George Hull Centre for Children and Families. We were honored to be one of only four partners to work with Microsoft to donate, deliver, and set up PCs, TVs, Xboxes, and Surfaces for the Hull Centre houses.
This year, we joined Microsoft at The Fishing School in Washington, D.C., to install a newly outfitted computer lab, a gaming station complete with virtual reality headsets, and eight new Surface Pros.

Read more about this year’s Fishing School volunteer day and view photos from the event at our Microsoft blog.

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Kristin Brashares

Kristin Brashares serves as Digital Senior Marketing Manager at Perficient and is a proud member of the Women in Tech ERG.

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