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4 PaaS Considerations for Your IT Ecosystem

Taking an application from innovation to idea can result in numerous hours of downloading, compiling, installing, configuring, and connecting all types of components – all on a single server instance. Not only can this be a waste of time, but it also takes away from innovating and taking the application to market.

Instead of downloading and building these components separately, technology teams can leverage browser-based applications where they can click a few options, place in a few settings, and automatically have an application deployed into the world. Furthermore, as application usage scales, teams can also add capacity and increase complexity all from the same place. This is known as a Platform-as-a-Service, or PaaS.

As digital transformation and customer obsession become more front and center in enterprise organizations, PaaS platforms begin to take center stage. Offering access to APIs, artificial intelligence, data storage, and disaster recovery among numerous other elements, teams can pair their PaaS with DevOps to effectively compete in the market. However, not all PaaS platforms are built the same way.

Here’s what we’ve discovered in our recommendations to customers:

  • Hosting: PaaS solutions are available in either private or public cloud implementations. Dependent on the choice of platform, organizations may see different control over control, security, and compliance.
  • Integration: There are many service platforms on the market that integrate to extend the quality of service. The ideal PaaS platform should provide pre-build integrations for standard enterprise software and facilitate secure integrations into the business landscape.
  • Programming Languages: Code is at the core of all technologies these days and every PaaS supports a different language. Choosing a PaaS that is compatible with the organization’s language of choice is key to success and what is chosen do choose should also offer a secure and scalable platform with reusable platform services.
  • Customization: There are PaaS platforms on the market today in both open-source and proprietary formats. The two can differ around cost, support, and access to tools, creating differences in customizability.

How about yourself? What key features are you looking for in a PaaS platform as you develop your organization’s IT ecosystem? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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In today’s innovative enterprise, IT exists in an ecosystem. In contrast to the past where many implemented solutions existed in individual silos, today’s implementations work together to influence positive business outcomes. This post is part of a series focused on guiding enterprises through an overwhelming process to compete, scale, and innovate in a fast-moving world. Follow more of the series here.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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