Having the appropriate data is a key need for every development cycle. Developers and leaders want to know that they are creating something innovative while avoiding any barriers such as compatibility issues. As DevOps increasingly encourages an accelerated development period, the ability to have as few errors as possible is helpful.
Unfortunately, data analytics are often a tertiary purchase for development teams since the focus is on speed. Luckily, IBM has decided that the paradigm can be shifted, offering IBM Cloud DevOps Insights as an additional feature within its IBM Bluemix PaaS platform.
The theme of Cloud DevOps Insights is integration and continuous delivery. Developers can add Cloud DevOps Insights to a toolchain where it can analyze and monitor associated GitHub, Jenkins, and customer feedback. Furthermore, the platform also integrates with Delivery Pipeline and IBM UrbanCode Deploy, allowing for a unified DevOps process.
Unlock Your Potential with Application Modernization
Application modernization is a growing area of focus for enterprises. If you’re considering this path to cloud adoption, this guide explores considerations for the best approach – cloud native or legacy migration – and more.
One example use case organizations can use Cloud DevOps Insights for is assessing code quality. Through Cloud DevOps Insights, policies can be set where code must pass a certain threshold of security and functionality tests. If code is uploaded does not satisfy the minimum, then it is blocked and sent back to the developer. Over time, leadership can also reference the built-in global dashboard to track overall development metrics for greater optimization.
You can learn more about Cloud DevOps Insights here.
Continue the Conversation
Are you looking to maintain code quality in your organization? Reach out to us today and learn about our work with Bluemix at sales@perficient.com. Our hybrid cloud guide also provides more guidance around DevOps use cases.
Learn more about our IBM practice here.