It’s a well-known fact that the consumer mobile market is nearing the point of saturation, which has led many businesses to pull back on B2C mobile initiatives and instead focus on one singular customer experience. But what about enterprise mobile? The internal, B2B, business-use applications?
Enterprise mobile goes beyond customer experience: enterprise mobile creates a better business model.
More and more organizations are embracing mobile as a tool to dramatically improve a variety of business challenges. While still a new concept to many, we’ve been building enterprise solutions for years and have seen that companies facing big roadblocks are increasingly turning to mobile solutions with great success.
Processes are Cumbersome and Outdated
For many, a complex, outdated process includes a combination of physical materials, spreadsheets, customized sales presentations, manual data entry, email, and institutional knowledge. It’s when leaders take a step back and realize they’re faced with a giant web of disjointed, cobbled-together processes that we see mobile becoming more and more of a holistic solution.
Think of how mobile could solve problems. What if your solution addressed:
- Sales and distributor enablement
- Product information, quotes, and proposals
- Logistics
- Employee team collaboration
- Facility mapping
- Workflow planning (scheduling, time tracking)
- Service requests
- Customer bill payment
- Medical records and appointment scheduling
Instead of just building an app to build an app, think about how your solution could solve real problems. By addressing these needs with a complete mobile strategy, your business can cut costs and increase efficiencies.
Mobile is More Than Just Apps. Mobile Means Anywhere.
Still stuck on what enterprise mobile actually means? Think of this: mobile is more than just a phone app available in the iTunes or GooglePlay store. Mobile is tablets, watches, medical devices, beacons, GPS, geo-fencing, home automation (“smart homes”), automotive connectivity, and so much more. It’s the ability to access corporate data whenever, and wherever. Thinking within the bounds of a phone is limiting when mobile means anywhere.
The Truth About Enterprise Mobile
Creating a complete mobile solution to enterprise challenges involves more than just building a mobile app because it feels like the thing to do. It requires careful strategy to determine what sort of solution is right for your needs. It means thoughtfully designing and developing a tool that will solve challenges. It means thinking of mobile as a holistic approach, not as just another piece to add to an already complicated system. Without thinking of mobile like this, you will inevitably create something that’s rendered useless within no time at all.