We are quickly counting down to the end of 2016, but that means that 2017 is just around the corner. Here are four trends to watch for in the document capture market in 2017:
- Upgrades
Technology moves fast – and document capture technology is no different. With new innovations coming such as cognitive, mobile, and cloud, any enterprise relying on capture needs to make sure that they are on the latest version so that they can take advantage of these new features.
- Intelligent classification
Intelligent classification is a newly emerging field within capture that applies machine learning and natural language processing capabilities to classify and extract data from unstructured documents. For those who are familiar with IBM’s offering, this functionality is provided by Datacap Insight Edition, which leverages IBM’s Watson capabilities. This has so much potential for enterprises across the spectrum of industries.
- Mobile Capture
While mobile technology may seem relatively mature in the consumer space, few organizations are fully leveraging (if at all) mobile capabilities for document capture. IBM is heavily investing in mobile capture in Datacap, both via the published application and fully-functional SDKs for Android and iOS.
- Cloud
The last major infrastructure revolution related to capture was the shift towards virtualization, which enabled organizations to quickly spin up new environments as well as to scale vertically and horizontally to meet the needs of the business. The next evolution in infrastructure will be cloud, as companies start to look to public or private clouds to host their capture applications. There is also a lot of interest in “hybrid” models where you have some elements on premise and some elements in the cloud.