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Transforming Healthcare IT with UrbanCode Deploy

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Medical technology management is just as complicated as the medical care that doctors provide, consisting of numerous ins and outs. As hospitals continue to innovate on how they care for patients, they also run into roadblocks preventing them from transitioning from the past and into the future.

This challenge was specific to a leading nationwide health insurer with more than 70 million customers and an information technology department managing over 200 different applications alongside a unique deployment methodology. While the applications served their day-to-day functions, application management cost millions of dollars per year to maintain. With leadership noticing the loss of efficiency, they turned to the market to create more efficiencies.

A Cure for the Common Code

The health insurer reached out to us looking for assistance. In our conversations, we provided them a strategy and implementation plan using IBM UrbanCode Deploy, a tool for automating application deployment through developer environments. The platform is also designed to facilitate rapid feedback in an agile environment while providing the necessary audit trails, versioning, and approvals for successful production.

UrbanCode Deploy helped the healthcare insurer unify their processes, saving the company time and money in the long run on its technology management. With better technologies at their disposal, their IT staff can now deploy applications to other platforms with confidence and ease. Truly, this was the antidote leadership was looking for.

Learn More

Are you looking at how the cloud can impact your organization like the one above? Join us June 22nd in Pittsburgh for the free IBM Hybrid Cloud Innovation Forum where you will hear our own Joel Thimsen talk about migrating web services into the cloud and have a chance to chat 1:1 with cloud experts. RSVP today.

Learn more about our IBM practice here and get in touch today.

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Albert Qian

Albert Qian is a Marketing Manager at Perficient for our IBM PCS, DevOps, and Enterprise Solutions Partners focused on cloud computing technologies.

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