Join Perficient and Graybar for a fireside chat at the 2016 Gateway to Innovation Conference in St. Louis on:
Wednesday, May 11, 2016 | 10:45 Breakout Session | Room 240, 2nd Floor
America’s Center Convention Complex | America’s Ballroom, 220 Complex – 2nd Floor
701 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63101
Graybar CIO David Meyer and Mike Porter will be discussing customer centric IT Trends inspired from Forrester’s 2016 Predictions, “With digital now reaching deeper into the domain of business operations and products, 2016 will be the tipping point where a new breed of Customer-Obsessed CIO becomes the norm. The drive towards digital transformation begins with the customer and extends far into the company, impacting every area of the organization from vision and strategy to architecture, technology, operations, and culture.” The State Of Digital Business, 2015 To 2020.
Learn more about what Digital means in terms of direction, how their customer-centric strategy is enabling business, and more.
GUIDE: How Customer Experience Impacts Digital Transformation
- Four current, evolving trends that every marketer needs to understand
- Understanding where you are with your CX maturity, and how to get to the next level
- Determining the optimal starting point for your digital transformation