The message at #IBMInsight this week was loud and clear, “Insight is the new currency”, and therefore, organizations must strive to lead, and not just compete, in this “Insight Economy”. The companies that will leverage data in its totality (“big” and “small”) combined with cognitive computing and analytics will be the intelligent brokers of game changing information paradigms.
Analytics along with Big Data technologies are greatly fueling this insight economy, and hybrid cloud architectures, in turn, are facilitating the unlocking of newer business models. These three mega-trends continue to converge in an IoT world, thereby, bringing about a major business model disruption for companies of all sizes. Organizations that ride this wave of massive transformation and become an intelligently cognitive, data-driven company will be the leaders in economy.
Over the course of the week, several exciting examples were brought forth of companies that are on their way to embracing this 4-dimensional transformation. Coca Cola (taking precision marketing and audience segmentation to the next level), GoMoment (building Cognitive Hotels), VineSleuth (helping consumers find the perfect bottle of wine) and StatSocial (creating holistic, personalized consumer profiles for Retailers), presented some amazing ways of how they continue to strive to disrupt their respective industries and markets.