Gartner recently published its “Cool” Vendors in Big Data for 2015 list. To qualify, “vendors must meaningfully combine multiple types of functionality”. These companies were selected based on their ability to effectively address complicated challenges of this space such as big data storage in the cloud or big data privacy.
Now, let’s look at the vendors that made the list:
Cool Vendor 1: Altiscale addresses the complications of moving data between the cloud and on-premise systems. This is something that most IoT organizations have been looking for. Further, providing easy access to Data scientists and data warehousing specialists as a means to simplify their data environments is Altiscale’s promise. Those seeking to create agile solutions for analytics, especially with regard to big data infrastructure should definitely check out Altiscale.
Cool vendor 2: Indyco offers a solution that enables highly collaborative data warehouse design. “What is cool about Indyco is the link to graphical representation of the business process model through its indyco explorer tool, and that it encapsulates the expertise of DW design best practices,” says Gartner.
Cool Vendor 3: Platfora runs natively on Hadoop, and enables interactive visualizations. It is not surprising that Platfora has planned for Spark extensibility, which will “allow data science users to leverage Spark’s machine learning and advanced analytics libraries in its data processing pipelines.”
As innovation in the Big Data space continues, it will be interesting to see how these three vendors are able to change our ever-evolving Big Data landscape.