In my series of blog posts, I am going to discuss how marketing automation tools have helped my day to day responsibilities as a #Lead Generation Representative. For this blog post I will be focusing on computer-telephony integration for Salesforce.
For lead generation teams, #marketing automation tools, and computer-telephony integration (CTI) systems really come in handy. After the computer-telephony integration program was installed on my computer, I was able to use CTI features through the Salesforce SoftPhone ─ a customizable call control tool that appears in the sidebar of every Salesforce page.
My #CTI adapter has made my outreach to potential clients via Salesforce much easier. Some of my favorite features of my CTI adapter are automatic call logging, click-to-dial, and call control from within the Salesforce web interface.
Prior to utilizing a CTI adapter, when I would target leads and companies to prospect, and would like to log my progress and activity in Salesforce, it became quite cumbersome having to manually log each call and the outcome. Now, with a CTI adapter, I am able to make calls via the lead/company page, and log the activity, disposition, and duration of the call from one click of a button.
For an Inside Sales Representative or Lead Generation Teams, the amount of outreach per day is extremely important. Utilizing marketing automation tools, and in this case, a CTI adapter to cease manual entry, has allowed me much more time for outreach and my outbound numbers are noticeably higher each day.