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10 Mobile Health Apps for Doctors

The FDA’s recent ruling on monitoring mobile medical applications tells us something: there are so many health apps on the market that the FDA has to focus on approving only those which are using mobile technology to make a specific diagnosis or that transform mobile devices into a regulated medical device. So with thousands of applications available, which ones should doctors focus on? Doctor Eric Topol recommends the top mobile apps for doctors to focus on:

EPOCRATES: One of the oldest and most established medical apps, Epocrates gives doctors basic information about drugs, the right dosing for adults and children, and warnings about harmful interactions.

medicalUPTODATE: This app provides reference material doctors can consult when making treatment decisions.

ISABEL: Doctors enter symptoms, and the app lists possible diagnoses as well as medications that could cause the symptoms.

ALIVECOR: This portable heart monitor and app–one of the programs that opened Dr. Topol’s eyes–runs on a patient’s smartphone to produce electrocardiograms.

IHEALTH WIRELESS PULSE OXIMETER: People with trouble sleeping can use this app to record their blood-oxygen level during the night–data that can help a doctor diagnose whether they have sleep apnea.

RESOLUTIONMD: Doctors can look at X-rays and other images on a smartphone or tablet when they use this app

CELLSCOPE OTO: A smartphone becomes an otoscope, the instrument doctors use to look into the ear, thanks to this app and optical device.

ISCRUB: This infection-control app collects and rapidly displays data on whether hospital staff are being scrupulous about washing their hands.

BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSIS GUIDE: Using this app, breast-cancer patients enter and track details of their disease and treatment, from the size of the tumor to the presence or absence of estrogen receptors.

CLINICAM: Increasingly, doctors are using their phones to take photos of a patient’s condition–such as a rash or wound–and to upload the images to the patient’s electronic medical record.
For a more complete overview of each app, check out this article. Are there any that you think are missing?

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