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What? Rational Application Developer for Mac OS?

I really didn’t expect to see the day when Rational Application Developer would be supported on Mac OS, but it appears that RAD v9.0 will do just that.

RAD v9 download screen

While tablets have been taking a big bite out of the laptop and desktop sales across the broader consumer market, developers still generally need some real horsepower to do their jobs. Many of those developers have been moving from Windows or Linux to OS X and MacBooks, and you can see evidence of this conferences (even IBM conferences) and at most companies.

More and more of our customers are allowing and supporting Macs, and one even mandates them for development. So it’s good to see IBM recognizing the movement in their support for Mac OS in the newest version of RAD.

Before now, many of us with MacBooks would create a Linux VM to run our IBM software stack. That may or may not include RAD, depending on whether we or the client chose to just use Eclipse instead (perhaps a topic for a future post).

Before you get all excited and go download it, read Cody Burleson’s post on the issues he had with the Installation Manager. It is a beta after all, and he got it working by downloading the images and installing the pre-Installation Manager way.

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