Erin Moloney ran a report on the top ten most viewed blog post last year. It’s interesting to see what people found interesting. Frankly, the results are all over the board although if I were to do a tag cloud it might include: IBM Portal, Adobe CQ5, Shareoint, mobile, portal, WCM in Portal, and portal integration. So anyway, here are the top article from last year.
10. Integrating OBIEE with portal (Also take a look at the recent follow up post by Dan Wellborn that goes into more detail.)
9. The power of WebSphere Portal personalization
8. Differences between web content management and portal web content management
7. Gartner Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals
6. Adobe graphic primer on HTML5 and CSS3
5. Mobile Collaobration according to Forrester
4. Document previews and thumbnails using SharePoint Fast 2010
3. SharePoint 2010: Restoring a site collection multiple times on the same web app
1. WebSphere Portal and WCM 8 beta now available from IBM (There are a bunch of websphere portal 8 beta posts by Mark Polly as well. He has reviewed a number of new or updated features.)