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Digital Transformation

Lotusphere 2010: Mobile Support

So Lotus showcased support for Mobile in a fairly big way. They stated that they have developed and will continue to develop mobile UI from the ground up to provide the best user experience for all their applications (Portal, Notes, Connections, Quickr.)  Here is a list of what I heard regarding Mobile:

1. RIM (Blackberry) has new versions of Connections and Quickr for Blackerry applications.

2. Soon to be released Lotus Traveller application for Android

3. Just released Lotus Traveller app for iPhone.  I checked, it’s there and is a free download.  It does require the Lotus Traveller server so it’s not automatic and will require IT intervention.  Still, with full encryption support, it should be a great way to access mail and calendar security.

4. Lotus Connections will have a web interface for mobile interfaces.

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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