Stefan Liesche and Jeff Seifert presented on Portal Now and creating an exceptional web experience. They’ve had a quick hit offering where you can get a portal up and running in about three weeks. In keeping with the continual change we see, they have updated it to take into account these change. But first, a couple stats:
- 95% of standout organization will focus on getting closer to the customer
- 69% report measurable benefit
- 57% of standout organizations are likely to use web 2.0 technologies
- Only 6% of companies rated excellent in the customer experience
Social Business Hierarchy of Needs
What do you do to interact with your constituents or as you approach your market.
- Content, you have to have good content. It must be valuable and even entertaining
- Campaigns, users know what you have as you ‘push’ you messages to a variety of social media channels
- Monitoring, you have to know what’s working
- Collaboration, user collaboration will help you understand where you succeed and where you fail.
Provide a quick way to deploy new content site with a well defined set of web page templates and a very focused set of services. What is it? A pre-packaged solution the provides you with the ability to deploy websites with compelling content quickly. The key is that you have some out of the box templates that you can then modify. Combine it with a very specific plan to install and modify everything and you have WCM Now.
As you can see below, you can make it look good. Gecko Footwear partner site was up and quickly with a nice theme.
Other companies who use Portal Now
- Parmalat: Create an internal community where the company can communicate with between executives, shareholders, etc.
- Hearst Direct Publishing: Advertisers upload and distribute ad assets. It’s hosted by Amazon Web Services. Quickly up and running with little outlay
Stefan showed a variety of items. It’s a nice looking template with
- Welcome
- News – easily
- Events – with a nice calendar
- Documents
- Company information
- Company blogs
IBM provides a set of templates that you can put into Portal Now and get even more value.
Retail vendor on boarding template. It uses Portal, Forms, and some out of the box portlets to make it easy to on board retail vendors.
Insurance Agent Template: digitization of paper process. Includes collaboration and social networking. (need to buy some extra software btw)