Back in June Wordtracker announced their new tool: Link Builder. Not long after that, I interviewed Ken McGaffin to learn more about the tool and their partnership with Majestic SEO. You can see a full transcript of the interview with Ken McGaffin here.
There are a few things that I find particularly interesting with Link Builder and Wordtracker’s approach:
- Wordtracker has a large community of existing customers. They should be able to mine many sign-ups out of that customer base.
- Link Builder provides a relatively simple interface, with less complexity than some other tools. Note that for many people, less is more, so this is not listed here as a disadvantage.
- This is only the top of the iceberg. Expect many more partnerships to leverage link databases, such as Open Site Explorer and Majestic SEO. For example, another party, Influence Finder, has already partnered with Majestic SEO.
The space will continue to expand with more and more entrants, as the need is great, and the search engines are abandoning support for it. Check out the interview for more on Wordtracker’s Link Builder.