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To build up your Tellurium

To better understand the article, it’ll be great if you have some basic idea about sellenium and tellurium.

As quoted from Tellurium website:

The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework (Tellurium) is a UI module-based automated testing framework for web applications. The UI module is a collection of UI elements you group together. Usually, the UI module represents a composite UI object in the format of nested basic UI elements. For example, the Google search UI module can be expressed as follows,

ui.Container(uid: "GoogleSearchModule", clocator: [tag: "td"], group: "true"){ 
   InputBox(uid: "Input", clocator: [title: "Google Search"]) 
   SubmitButton(uid: "Search", clocator: [name: "btnG", value: "Google Search"]) 
   SubmitButton(uid: "ImFeelingLucky", clocator: [value: "I'm Feeling Lucky"]) 

The UI module makes it possible to build UI elements’ locators at run time. The framework does Object to Locator Mapping (OLM) automatically at run time so that you can define UI objects simply by their attributes, i.e., Composite Locators denoted by the “clocator”. Furthermore, Tellurium uses the Group Locating Concept (GLC) to exploit information inside a collection of UI components to help finding their locators and the GLC is denoted by the “group” attribute in the above UI module.

The Tellurium framework defines a new Domain Specific Language (DSL) for web testing. Still take the above Google search module as an example, you can use the following DSLs to do a Google search,

type "GoogleSearchModule.Input", "Tellurium test" 
click "GoogleSearchModule.Search" 
waitForPageToLoad 30000

The key concept of tellurium

You can put tellurium as a wrapper of sellenium which implements following ideas:

  • Make xpath external – Isolate the element identifier from test code
  • Object modeling – put the AUT (application under test) as an object and try to model it by abstracting behaviors and properties

The way to go

Hence, no matter what kind of testing tools (driver) you’re using, if you can follow the idea above, then you’re already on the way to build up your tellurium.

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Diego Zhong

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