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Getting useful information out from the CFD

    As I mentioned in the previous post, CFD (Cumulative Flow Diagram) is the chart we can use to monitor the ticket driven/maintenance project status, while CFD does not tell you exactly the status in a numeric way.  The metrics that are suggested to be used to measure the efficiency and the capacity are not that easy to be calculated.

    We searched on the internet, and found a Google spreadsheet which provides the automated calculation of the values. The spreadsheet can be found here.

    While, since this is an online spreadsheet, and only the first sheet can be downloaded, I created 2 copies of the spreadsheet, simplified the data columns and provided the charts just as shown online.

    Why did I create 2 copies? Reason as described below:

    In the original spreadsheet, the WIP was considered only the “In Progress” items, this could be suitable for projects that do not have SLA – Projects that do not care about the time that the pipeline items is pending to start. I created CFD_Development.xlsx followed this way.

    While for projects which the client cares about when he raises the ticket/request/task and when it is done, we should include the time when items are pending in “pipeline” state. I created CFD_Maintenance.xlsx for this.

    How to use the spreadsheets:

    In each spreadsheet, there’re 6 sheets.

  1. Input
  2.     This sheet is used to fill in data from the project. You need to copy the last row for adding new rows to make sure all the formulas are there to support the calculation and the diagrams.

        If you have more states identified rather than “Pipeline”, “In Progress”, “Done”, you can insert the column to add the state (make sure you insert the column before the “Pipeline” column. Also, you can change the names of the columns as you wish)

  3. CFD
  4. This sheet provide the CFD chart

  5. WIP
  6. This sheet shows the WIP over time

  7. Average Lead Time
  8. This sheet shows the Average Lead Time over time

  9. WIP & Average Lead Time
  10. This sheet provide the view of having the WIP and Average Lead Time together, so you can compare for making decisions on adjust the WIP limits

  11. Throughput

             This sheet provide the throughput over time, which can be considered as velocity of the team

     One problem I still have for the spreadsheet is that, for all the charts, they are based on the current selected data range, if you add more data, you should modify the data source of the chart to include the newly added data.

Thoughts on “Getting useful information out from the CFD”

  1. Mary Jiang (Hangzhou, China)

    Good to know CFD. It will be helpful for ticket driven projects. But it seems that CFD_Maintenance.xlsx cannot be opened successfully.

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