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Digital Transformation

Lotusphere 2010: WebSphere Portal

WebSphere Portal is the flagship portal product from IBM and lives in the Lotus brand.  Portal version 6.1.5 was released in November 2009 and has a number of enhancements built around the user experience. In sessions today, Larry Bowden went through their main goals and what’s going to be happening:  Here’s a quick hit:

What happened in the last 100 days:

  • Released Portal version 6.1.5
  • Updated a variety of their accelerator product built on portal
  • Released an upgrade to their Portal NOW project.  (3 weeks to running content based portal)
  • Released an industry template for government.
  • Released portal, content management, forms and other products to the Amazon cloud

What is IBM doing with Portal right now?

  • IBM just announced a Coremetrics partnership where you get the first 3 months of analytics free.  Interesting they went with Coremetrics since Omniture and WebTrends are more well known. That said, Perficient is a partner of theirs with our commerce practice.
  • Get 5-40 hours on Amazon Web Services for free.  Bring up Portal, WCM, Mashup Center, or Forms Turbo on the cloud.
  • Soon to be released industry toolboxes for Travel and Industrial
  • Portal Optimized for Hypervisor and virtualization.  I find this very interesting and hope to get more information in a session.

What is IBM doing with Portal in the near term?

  • Continuing to improve WCM so that it’s more closely integrated to portal AND it has a better user interface
  • Continuing to enhance portal with Web 2.0 functionality. This means more portlets intgrating Lotus Connections, Quickr, etc.  It also means adding more tagging, rating, and other functionality to WebSphere Portal
  • Improving the value of portal. This means make it easier to install, manage, and develop so that compared to custom solutions it’s not just 1/3 cheaper but more like 1/2

Follow all the Lotusphere 2010 activity at Perficient’s IBM Partner Twitter Feed: @Perficient_IBM
and learn about our speaking engagements and download materials at

Follow all the Lotusphere 2010 activity at Perficient’s IBM Partner Twitter Feed: @Perficient_IBM
and learn about our speaking engagements and download materials at

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Michael Porter

Mike Porter leads the Strategic Advisors team for Perficient. He has more than 21 years of experience helping organizations with technology and digital transformation, specifically around solving business problems related to CRM and data.

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