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A Couple Gotchas for Office 2007 Beta 2 TR

There are couple items to consider before upgrading your Beta 2 installation of Office 2007 clients to beta 2 Technical Refresh. The first deals with Office files saved in the 2007 format. These files are not guaranteed to open in the TR version. Microsoft has stated this is due to schema changes in TR. Some may open and others may not depending on what features used in that particular file. The workaround is to open up the Office files and save them in Office 2003 format. Ugly… but it is beta. I counted over 45 word documents on my hard drive saved in the docx format.

The second item to consider regarding the TR is with Office applications installed currently on your machine. The guidance from Microsoft is to install all the Office applications you plan to use with the Beta 2 software and then upgrade to TR. According to Microsoft, you cannot later install another Office application. For example, if you upgrade your Beta 2 Office Pro suite (e.g. word, excel, outlook, etc.) to beta 2 TR and then try to install Project, not going to work. Since Beta 2 TR requires an existing installation of Beta 2, you are out of luck. If users are experiencing something different, feel free to add comments.

Tonight I’ll be installing Visio, Project, and Groove 2007 Beta 2 so I can have them for a rainy day in the TR version.

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