Today, I took a look at a post by Andy Hagans and Aaron Wall, titled: 101 Ways to Build Link Popularity in 2006. The list is packed with good and interesting suggestions. Which ones are best for you? Well, it depends on your site and the resources available to you.
Of course, some of these you need to ponder carefully, e.g. “Sue Google”. Yes, that will get you links, but…well, they had to have some fun with the list. One I would propose to add to the list: Make a link to your site a standard term in all your contracts with partners of any kind. If you use distributors, agencies, VARs, resellers, or any such companies, make them give you some link love.
Equally interesting, and more amusing, are the list of suggestions of bad ways to build links (and that “Sue Google” was not in this section!). There are oldies, but baddies, such as sending out link exchange emails mentioning Page Rank. And then there is the creative idea of wearing a T-Shirt with your URL on it and then being rude to people.
The only serious recommendations on this list that I disagree with in principle are 57 and 58. The renting, or buying, of links, is too risky a practice in our opinion. Other than that, check out their article. It’s packed with good stuff.