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Posts Tagged ‘websphere portal’

Release Management for WebSphere Portal

Releasing your portal project to a brand new environment can be a fairly large challenge. I maintain the reason for the challenge is that there are so many tools and procedures required for this process. It is difficult to find somebody on your team that has deep administrative experience coupled with a development background so […]

WebSphere Portal Version 8 Beta

On 9/15/2011 I attended a great session from IBM on the IBM Customer Experience Suite, WebSphere Portal and Web Content Manager Version 8 Beta given by Lauren Wendel, Brian Chaput, Nicole Carrier and Thomas Stober of IBM.  They gave some great insight into what new capabilities will be coming in Q3 in the upcoming beta. Four Key Investment […]

Migrating to WebSphere Portal 7: WCM

I am currently working on a project for a customer where we are migrating a very complex portal from WebSphere Portal to  There is quite a bit going which has to be migrated including Personalization rules, JSF portlets, Spring MVC portlets, customized WebSphere caches and shared libraries, customized WebSphere Portal configuration, content nodes, […]

Now you can generate portlets using XMLPF

XMLPF stands for XML Portlet Factory and is an open source tool that can build Liferay portlets from XML definition files.  The software creates database CRUD portlets based on the definitions contained in an XML file.  Here is a link to the project website:   An example portlet is shown to the right.  XML Portlet […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 6)

You use a parent pom.xml file that each portlet project inherits from to encapsulate your dependencies and maven plugin bindings. This keeps all this code out of sight from your portlet project. This first code posting shows the plugin definition under a pluginManagement section. This section is used to create any dependencies used by the […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 5)

I recommend using a maven plugin to package your logic. The reason is that the ANT antcall and XSLT tasks require file inputs (and do not support URIs). When you package these file resources into a jar (as you do with a plugin) then you can extract them to the correct relative filesystem locations as […]

WebSphere Portal on IBM’s New Power 7 Processors

A few months ago Mark Polly and I did a sizing for Websphere Portal on IBM Power 7 processor.  In less than 24 hours IBM’s Techline came back with a sizing that was about 60% of what we were expecting to see. In other words, using Power 7 processors caused 40% reduction in the number […]

WebSphere Portal on IBM's New Power 7 Processors

A few months ago Mark Polly and I did a sizing for Websphere Portal on IBM Power 7 processor.  In less than 24 hours IBM’s Techline came back with a sizing that was about 60% of what we were expecting to see. In other words, using Power 7 processors caused 40% reduction in the number […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 4)

So far you have a compiled portlet and an XSLT capable of producing an xmlaccess request input file based on your specific portlet.xml file. Next you create an ANT script that is capable of submitting your request to the portal server. The script presented below diverges to distinguish between local portlet deployments (when you are […]

When to use JSR 286 vs JSR 168 for portlets

Some confusion exists in the portlet development community, because many vendors tout their compliance with JSR 168 standards and less rarely talk about JSR 286 compatibility.  I think this is mostly due to the fact that prior to JSR 168 becoming mainstream, the standards were loose and vendors built to their own specifications.  So becoming […]

When to use JSF in Portlets and when to not?

A colleague presented me with this question today:  Under what conditions does it make sense to use JSF portlets and when doesn’t it?  This is a good question and can be applied to several frameworks, such as Struts and Spring MVC. Now before I answer, let me give you some of my background. I’ve been […]

WebSphere Portal and Maven (Part 3)

The deployment of a portlet to a portal server is accomplished using xmlaccess (also called the XML configuration interface). At this point I need to point out that the deploy goal of maven is a separate concept from a portlet deployment. The maven deploy goal is intended to move your packaged maven artifact to the maven […]

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