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Posts Tagged ‘roi’

Creating A Business Case for Social

Live Blogging at the IBM Web Experience Conference: Mary Bird Nance does a great job working with a variety of companies to define vision and create a justification for the use of portal and social technologies.  She’s a pro at working with clients to understand their needs and where they should go. Anyway, she and […]

12 Things You Can Do to Get Your Portal to Production Quickly

Recently Mike Porter and myself posted a 12 part series called 12 Things You Shouldn’t Do on a Portal Project which was based on a presentation we gave in May, 2011 at IBM’s Excellent Web Experience Conference.  The series was so well recieved we decided to do another 12 part series which discusses 12 things you […]

12 Things You Shouldn’t Do on a Portal Project: #6 We Can Get a Big ROI from Portal

Here is a story of how a major hotel chain instantly got a huge ROI on portal… in the wrong direction! What Happened A major hotel chain had a metric that for every second they could cut from call handle time netted $108,000 a year in savings.  It is easy to see how converting the […]

Social Media Hierarchy of Needs

I like where Alinean is going with this article / white paper.    When Goldman Sachs invests $450 Million in facebook and thinks it’s a $500 Billion company. When MySpace is laying off employees. When you see a lot of articles about how to manage your social media, then you have to question what is the […]

Winning the Social Media Popularity Contest

Alinean, an ROI and TCO research firm, just completed a study on which industries and companies were the most popular in social media and why.  Tom Pisello blogs about it. The findings highlight distinct differences in popularity based on company practices and customer profiles, with many companies and industries displaying an enormous leveraging of social […]

Cloud Computing ROI

I just got a white paper on  cloud computing payback o by Richard Mayo and Charles Peng of IBM.  They put some thought into it so it’s worth reading.

Is your EHR due for its check up??

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) continue at the center of the National debate on improving quality of care and stemming the tide of rising healthcare costs. Providers are heavily invested in EHRs and their investments continue to rise dramatically. However, inspite of the huge investments being made, organizations do not seek regular check ups and ‘second’ […]

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