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Posts Tagged ‘Office 365’

Attention Nonprofits: Microsoft is donating Office 365 to you

If you qualify Microsoft will donate Office 365 to your organization. Don’t you think you could benefit from Exchange and SharePoint as well as Office applications? Wouldn’t it be great if you could simplify IT administration and work towards your goals as a nonprofit? Well I believe that is what Microsoft is trying to do […]

Webinar: Understanding Identity Management with Office 365

Office 365 offers a wide range of different identity management options that allows for customization based on your organization’s specific needs and preferences. If you are looking for an introduction to these identity options, join us on Wednesday, September 25th at 1 p.m. CT for the webinar, Understanding Identity Management with Office 365. Presenter Shalini […]

ZDNet Highlights Perficient’s Cloud and Healthcare Expertise

It was exciting to read Heather Clancy‘s post on this morning, ‘Perficient’s Cloud Prescription for Healthcare Companies‘ highlighting Perficient’s Cloud & Healthcare expertise.  From Heather’s post, which can be read here [Perficient] was named in July as both the software developer’s U.S. Partner of the Year and also as [Microsoft’s] top provider for delivering healthcare […]

Mobile upgrade time, what to do? Windows Phone, it might be time.

I’m taking a break from Lync blogging to address this…situation I’m in. So, as the title states, my contract is up and its time to run through the mobile debate once again.  If there is stress in my life right now, it isn’t the consulting work or raising 2 boys who are destined to destroy my […]

Microsoft’s Power BI: just another hugely compelling feature

This article was pointed out to me by a colleague, and I found it a pretty compelling read:  How Microsoft helped this bar figure out that vodka was costing it a fortune. Of particular interest to me is the Natural Q&A feature, which is mentioned prominently. Now, my time in the data warehousing trenches tempers my […]

Avoid Cloud HIPAA Breaches like OHSU’s with Azure or Office 365

Healthcare IT News’ Erin McCann recently reported that Oregon Health & Science University had to again notify patients that their protected health information had been compromised.  From Erin’s post The Oregon Health & Science University has notified 3,044 patients that their protected health information has been compromised after several residents and physicians-in-training inappropriately used Google […]

CRM Success Leveraging Microsoft Office 365

We recently had one of our long-time Perficient customers go-live with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online (which is part of the Office 365 platform) with great success and ease. After utilizing SharePoint and Exchange online for years, they realized they had reach the limits of SharePoint in managing their day-to-day business and needed more in order […]

Using Fiddler to troubleshoot Lync Mobile Client

Troubleshooting and reading the logs on the Lync Mobile client is in my opinion, very cumbersome.   I find myself staring at the logs trying to decipher the cryptic messages, reformatting the text in notepad, scrolling to left and right repeatedly,…  well, you get the idea, it simply isn’t any fun.    I was recently challenged with […]

The New Office 365 – Webinar Recap & Replay

Last week, we hosted a webinar on Office 365, where my colleague David Greve discussed what’s new and improved when it comes to the latest release. During the session, David, a Perficient Office 365 Solutions Delivery Director and Microsoft MVP, first reviewed Microsoft’s productivity vision, showing how you now have the ability to create integrated best-of-breed solutions […]

Saving files to SharePoint from Outlook Web Access (OWA) – Part 1

Recently, I was working with a customer who was evaluating Office 365 for a very particular use case.  The scenario was this: The customer has several “kiosk” type computers in a store, and need to be able to save email attachments directly to the cloud without having to touch the file system of the kiosk.  […]

Microsoft’s Social Layer — An Annotated Image

Here’s my last post as an easily consumable, annotated image.  Credit to Microsoft for the original graphic, of course.  (Click to view full-size.)

Using System Center Automation to Manage Office 365

Manage Office 365 with Microsoft System Center Service Manager, Orchestrator, PowerShell or Custom GUI. Working with office 365 projects one of the things I come across frequently is what are some of the ways to manage Office 365 from an on premise location. Up to now there has been a very limited tool set to […]

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