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Posts Tagged ‘IT’

Shortcuts for Creating Better Reports and Analytics using Salesforce

Q: What tips do you have for choosing the right report format to quickly access critical data? In most systems, setting up reports can be a daunting task that is often given to the IT Systems Administrator. In Salesforce®, anyone can go in and use the wizard to quickly and easily generate a report. That […]

InformationWeek 500: Consulting Companies Focus On Telecom

Telework and high-end collaborative apps are becoming more and more important in the telecommunications industry. Recently, InformationWeek covered the growth in this industry and what’s causing it. Telecommunications will be a strategic priority for many companies. This decade will see resurgent spending in IP telephony, Martin says, partially because these companies need to replace legacy […]

9 Questions to Ask Before Bringing Outsourced IT In-House

Many companies are bringing outsourced IT in-house. Should you? Bringing IT in house can be complex and costly. Think about these costs: Termination fees, facility build-outs, shared assets, application migration, personnel training and transitions, new hiring, and software license transfers, to name a few. Here are nine questions that suggests you ask yourself before […]

Addressing mobile communications management challenges

As an IT manager for an organization, can you imagine having to support 15,000 wireless users in 400 locations for your company? Can you imagine that it might get a little tough to provide an adequate level of support to all 15,000 users? Think about how quickly technology — platforms, screen resolutions, apps, memory size, […]

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