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Posts Tagged ‘interoperability’

Perficient Podcast: Helping Health IT End Users Adapt to Change

Helping Health IT End Users Adapt to Change This is the second in our series of interviews with Dr. Nanette Nuessle. In this interview, we discussed physician use of healthcare technology and how doctors cope with technology changes in their practice of medicine. What I found most insightful about this particular interview was her description […]

BCBS Massachusetts HIPAA 5010 and Next Generation Capabilities

In this video Joel Thimsen of Perficient and Larry Rosen of BCBS of Massachusetts discuss the architecture of the next generation EDI and SOA solution in support of HIPAA 5010 and modernization of Blue Cross middleware infrastructure in support of scaling to next generation capabilities.

White Paper: Could EMR Software be Detrimental to Healthcare?

It goes without saying that electronic medical records is a hot topic in healthcare technology. We are often asked, “What does Perficient do in electronic medical records?” While Perficient does not provide EMR or EHR solutions, interoperability should be top of mind as more and more records become electronic. This is what I was thinking […]

Physician Insights on Electronic Data

I recently read an article by Dr. S.D. Madduri, called Life With and Without EHRs. Dr. Madduri outlined his journey from paper-based to digital medical records in an edition of Medical Economics published a few months back. I am personally obsessed with end users of healthcare technology. I often find myself asking my own healthcare […]

Could EMR software make healthcare worse?

This post is based off of an interview posted on the IBM Impact Blog. Visit us in the Industry Zone at IZ-4 or check out our IBM Impact landing page Widespread electronic medical record (EMR) adoption is hanging on hope that social and economic benefits will be received through the reduction of information silos in […]

Promoting Connectivity Through Shared Health Data

Early this week I read an article written by Neil Versel of Meaningful HIT News entitled, “Big health systems to promote connectivity“. This article was part of the Care Connectivity Consortium announcement. In summary, Geisinger, Group Health Cooperative, Intermountain Healthcare, Kaiser Permanente and the Mayo Clinic have launched the Care Connectivity Consortium as a joint […]

What do ICD-10 and Y2K have in common?

Like many IT professionals, I lived through the onslaught of the Y2K “millennium bug”. My current life during the push for ICD-10 compliance in healthcare makes it feel like deja vous all over again. You may ask, what do ICD-10 and Y2K have in common? Good question. Just like during Y2K, we IT professionals are […]

3 Reasons for using a Managed Private Cloud for Interoperability

Cloud computing is a popular topic in IT circles today, and with this year’s Interoperability Showcase at HIMSS, the cloud’s impact on Interoperability will be an interesting topic of discussion. In healthcare circles, cloud computing conjures up fears for protecting private healthcare information and security concerns. There is a business case for a special type […]

The Digital Nervous System for Healthcare Providers

Does your organization need to take advantage of the HL7 messages created by your healthcare applications, outside sources and medical devices? Then now is a good time to organize the digital nervous system with an Integration Competency Center.

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