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Posts Tagged ‘HIE’

Enterprise HIE

It seems that everywhere you look someone is talking about HIE or claiming to have an HIE product. But is there widespread adoption, and for it’s intended use? HITECH requires that the provider market invest in HIE, but how do you ensure that you protect your investment from all the hype. In the short term […]

CRM for HIE and REC – just what the doctor ordered.

We’re seeing a lot of interest in using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to market to, communicate with, and to track provider interests and relationships in HIE’s and REC’s. If you haven’t thought about using CRM for this purpose yet, here is why you might want to…

Question: What Drives HIE participation?

In February 2009, the federal government passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) providing much needed support to an industry that has struggled in a financially challenging landscape. The federal government is projected to spend at least $300 million in support of health information exchange (HIE) activities in 2009 and 2010. While it is […]

Three keys to HIE Sustainability

Billions of dollars are being granted, gifted, and invested in Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) across the country. A previous Commonwealth Study that appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine estimated $178 billion will be needed to create regional and national networks. With all that said, very few Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) have achieved a business/operating […]

EHR – Why less is often more…

Having devoted 10 years of my life to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) space, I have seen many EHR product vendors come full circle backwards. And in my opinion this is great for Health Information Exchange (HIE), hospitals, provider groups and patients. Early EHR (EMR, CPR…) development focused on delivery of complex products that were […]

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