We were at the AHIP conference last week, and as shown in our earlier posts, we learneda lot at this year’s event. The health insurance industry is at a point of tremendous evolution, and there are a lot of factors to consider. Here are a few of the key themes that we took away from […]
Posts Tagged ‘healthcare reform’
Don’t Drop the ICD-10 Ball in the Regulatory Deadline Juggle
We are at the AHIP Conference this week, which is one of our favorite events of the year. It is good fun to meet with the many tech-savvy professionals that make up the health insurance industry. This year we meet as many regulatory pressures and deadlines are closing in, which is certain to ignite some […]
Are Patients Consumers? Two Views to Consider
Recent conversations about changes to Medicare, the new ACO model, and the evolution of social media in the practice of medicine has caused questions to arise regarding the evolving role of patient within the healthcare space. Many have been using the word “consumer” as synonymous with today’s modern “patient”. con.sum.er: one that uses a commodity […]
Healthcare Reform & Physician Loyalty
Last Thursday I spoke in a webinar entitled “Healthcare Reform & Physician Loyalty: What Can CRM Do To Support Accountable Care Organizations (ACO)?”. During this presentation I covered physician loyalty and why it has become such a hot topic in light of healthcare reform and increasing trends in physician turnover. Perficient’s Lisa Anderson joined me […]
Inviting Patients into the Healthcare Conversation
Under pressure from healthcare reform, many healthcare organizations are focused on legal and financial issues as opposed to the redesign of clinical care. Ironically, data from IHI shows that healthcare organizations achieve lower costs when they put the highest emphasis on the entire healthcare system that patients use to receive care. By incorporating the critical […]
The IT-Enabled ACO
It’s all the rage. Everyone is talking about it and some have called it the next major healthcare reform to hit the industry over the past 20 years. So what is it you ask? It is the Accountable Care Organization model, more commonly dubbed the ACO. No doubt everyone has been reading, learning and commenting […]
Providers Achieve Financial Effectiveness through Physician Loyalty
It goes without saying that in order to maintain financial viability, healthcare organizations must maintain patient loyalty. There are vast marketing engines in place to capture patient loyalty through the use of portals and other collaborative tools. However, when you take a look at the numbers, such as those published frequently by Gallup, you see […]
ACOs: A Puzzling Business Case…But is it Really?
The release by CMS of the draft ACO regulations last week came as no surprise. What was surprising was the number of articles and comments regarding the differing perspectives around ACOs and their purpose versus the business viability and sustainability of this health reform business model. The interesting challenge around ACOs is whether this is […]
Collaboration Integral to Healthcare Reform [Video]
During the HIMSS conference last month, we heard many speak on the importance of Accountable Care Organizations, meaningful use, and healthcare analytics in driving healthcare reform. In this interview with John White, Director of Perficient’s Healthcare Practice, the importance of collaborative tools in healthcare reform were discussed. John stated that while discussions around the components […]