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Posts Tagged ‘healthcare events’

Creating Holistic Digital Experiences for Healthcare Events pt. 3

Adopting a comprehensive approach to your events marketing strategy that includes event listing and promotion on your flagship website as well as marketing efforts will ensure a holistic approach in creating awareness, engagement, and loyalty for your healthcare events. In this series, we have reviewed the importance of creating a holistic digital experience for healthcare […]

Creating Holistic Digital Experiences for Healthcare Events pt. 2

Previously, I discussed the benefits of having a centralized place on your organization’s flagship healthcare website to create awareness and promote events via digital methods, understand the importance of having a holistic end-to-end events digital experience that aligns with the rest of your digital footprint, as well as, provide an overview of the events tool […]

A Holistic View and Digital Experience for your Healthcare Events

Healthcare providers often have a comprehensive calendar of events they host and sponsor to support patients, the local community and medical professionals. However, raising awareness of these events and having a consistent digital experience that aligns with the rest of the digital footprint can be challenging to achieve. Many event tools offer limited customizations that […]