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Posts Tagged ‘Health Information Exchange’

Interoperability Infrastructures: Enabling healthcare quality measures

There is no doubt that the healthcare industry is going through a tremendous paradigm shift in an attempt to get a grasp on rising costs and inefficiencies. From ACOs, pay for performance, Meaningful Use, quality measures and patient access to electronic health records the fundamental enabler to deliver on this vision is an effective interoperability […]

Global Dissemination of Healthcare Technology

The dissemination of healthcare treatment through the developed world is at the inception of extending successful implementation strategies in the developing world. The implementation of healthcare is now pairing clinical expertise with technological advancements. Standard treatment in developed countries can be transferred to countries that lack in comparison efficient channeling of clinical management, but have […]

Blue Button – Is it time to get into the 21st century?

The VA and Medicare recently launched the Blue Button initiative where patients can “download their claims and medical information in a common format.” This format is a plain ASCII text file with the purpose being to allow the information to be read or printed on any device. A pretty slick Adobe Air application can be […]

HIE meets Social Media

While HIE’s are gradually building up a head of steam and making significant strides in a number of areas, there is a dark horse jumping on the social media train and offering a viable low-cost alternative: SocialHIE(TM). First, let’s take a look at how the HIE landscape is changing. According to the 2011 eHealth Initiative […]

“Help! My Healthcare Choices are Limited Due to Limited Health IT”

This morning I went to my doctor due to some low blood pressure issues. After doing some initial tests, my doctor stated that she needed to refer me to a specialist in Cardiac Electrophysiology. At the end of the appointment, we made our way towards the registration desk to explore our referral options. The receptionist […]

Replay and Slides! ACO = HIE + Analytics: Managing Population Health

Last Thursday I spoke in a webinar entitled “ACO = HIE + Analytics: Managing Population Health with Information Exchange and Analytics“. You can view the slides below, and you can view a full recast of the webinar here: Let me know what you think! ACO = HIE + Analytics – a Healthcare IT Presentation […]

New White Paper! Reap the Rewards of HIE with Patient Organization and Community Opt-In/Opt-Out

Open to the public 24/7, and being the keeper of the most private of all data, healthcare organizations are unlike any other in terms of security challenges. A doctor cannot expect a patient to openly disclose private information if that patient fears that they may be harmed by that disclosure. As a new era dawns […]

Perficient Webinar! ACO = HIE + Analytics: Managing Population Health with Information Exchange and Analytics

With the release of the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) rule, healthcare providers must be able to identify, access and seamlessly share patient information to drive efficiencies and enjoy a potential share in ACO program incentives. Additionally, more than half of the 93 draft National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) ACO measures are also Meaningful Use […]

Perficient White Paper! 9 Key Business Drivers of HIE

A successful Enterprise HIE must be secure, accurate, dependable, appropriate and responsive to the need of the users of this clinical information to ensure that appropriate care is delivered. Enterprise HIE is driven by true healthcare needs. These key drivers include: Ensuring appropriate care is given at the correct time Promoting preventive medicine Avoiding inaccurate […]

Perficient White Paper! Enterprise HIE: A Business-Driven Approach to Healthcare Reform

With conversations of connecting healthcare data across the care continuum at a fevered pitch, many are considering the true sustainability of efforts like HIE. While designing, selecting, implementing, and managing an HIE can appear like just another IT project, the ultimate goal of the Enterprise HIE is to improve the quality of care for patients […]

Does the U.S. need a Federal Law to Protect PHI and encourage HIEs?

Requirements regarding the electronic transfer of personal health information differs from state to state. Some have suggested that the Federal government needs to establish guidelines for health information exchanges. Health information exchanges (HIEs) are technology solutions that address healthcare issues by aggregating massive amounts of data and allowing multiple entities have access to the data […]

HIE: To Opt-In or Opt-Out? That is the question.

I read an article last week from Government Health IT entitled “ONC ready to test patient e-consent for health data exchange“. In summary, ONC awarded $1.24 million to develop a method by which patients can give their consent about sharing health data. Added to this contract are specifics around developing an innovative way to help […]

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