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Posts Tagged ‘Emerging BI Trends’

SAP HANA and Hadoop – complementary or competitive?

In my last blog post, we learned about SAP HANA… or as I called it, “a database on steroids”. Here is what SAP former CTO and Executive Board Member, Vishal Sikka, told InformationWeek: “Hana is a full, ACID-compliant database, and not just a cache or accelerator. All the operations happen in memory, but every transaction […]

SAP HANA – A ‘Big Data’ Enabler

Some interesting facts and figures for your consideration: 90% – of stored data in the world today was created in the past 2 years 50% – annual data growth rate 34,000 – tweets sent each minute 9,000,000 – daily Amazon orders 7,000,000,000 – daily Google Page Views 2.5 Exabyte – amount of data created every day (an Exabyte […]

Big Data: Integral Part of an Information Architecture

Forrester recently released some research titled “Reset on Big Data” and this research highlighted the lag between IT’s understanding of Big Data’s role within the enterprise data ecosystem.   In short, business leaders were 40% less likely to cite Big Data’s role as an extension to the current the current analytical environment.  This is not surprising […]

Yarn – The Big Data Accelerator

Yarn….. Yes, Hadoop may be changing everything, but when Yarn was released, the change pedal has been pushed aggressively to the floor. Putting the technical details aside, the bottom-line is that now multiple concurrent workloads can be executed and managed on Hadoop clusters. This “pluggable” service layer has separated the data processing and cluster resource […]

Risks Associated with Niche Big Data Vendors

One of the not so nice parts of the conference is seeing companies that have technology that have been superseded by the new releases of Hadoop, primarily Hive. One company, boasted about the fact it did not have to do full scans and could return SQL queries in seconds on large datasets. The look on […]

Making Big Data Real

Update from the Hadoop Summit: Its only part way through day one and there is an un-mistakable theme: Interactive SQL on top of Hadoop is here, and in a big way.   Stinger, Impala, and a number of other niche providers are not promising, but delivering on interactive SQL.   Benchmarks, case studies of production clients, hands […]

Stages of MDM…

MDM is a popular topic and many organizations are in different stages of MDM journey. Many times clients (primarily IT) want to engage consultants who can recommend a MDM tool and start the implementation, bypassing the Planning / Pre-planning stages. Typically this leads to a MDM solution which is not thought through completely or end […]

Hadoop Summit – The Future of Big Data

Next week is the Hadoop summit in San Jose. Perficient, along with almost every Partner, will be attending, sponsoring and/or exhibiting. Big Data, especially Hadoop-based solutions is the most dynamic area of IT. Hundreds of companies have products and solutions, all geared at increasing the value enterprises are able to extract from their information. Hope […]

Innovation in IT?

 I was reading the interview of Jamie Miller, the new CIO of General Electric.  Please do check out the interview. Some of the key focus areas she was describing are: Innovation Simplification Employee experience Cyber security Investing in our IT talent   The innovation explained in this interview revolves around the mobile technology, and big […]

In-Memory Database Solutions

After attending many marketing sessions on In-Memory database like HP Vertica, Oracle Exalytics, Kognitio, SAP HANA, and SQL*Server 2014 with in-memory capabilities, finally I got an opportunity to look under the hood.  I  attended the SAP HANA training, and had the firsthand experience in playing with the In-Memory database. Gartner says, at least 35% of […]

IT Engagement in Mobile Marketing

I recently attended a webinar from Gartner on Mobile Marketing and Data-Driven Marketing. Do look up the interesting statistics shared in the webinar. What stood out in the webinar is that, highest priority is given to Analytics, besides building the application itself. From my experience, lot of the Marketing / Advertising programs are outsourced to […]

IT Business Cases for Big Data Systems

Over the past couple years I have had the opportunity to work on a number of Big Data initiatives. As one would expect, having a well-defined business case is key to success. However, in a number of companies, I am seeing pure IT business cases, generally focused on cost reduction, to justify Big Data investments […]

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