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Posts Tagged ‘DSS’

Jump-Start Your Secure Coding Program With OWASP ASVS 3.0

The concept of secure coding used to be a little hazy, one of those you’ll-know-it-when-you-see it concepts.  Patterns for secure coding generally arrived as one-offs, where some vendor would recommend their product/library/framework  because it “solved critical security problem X and here’s why…”  Recently, however, the vast number of data breaches reported in the news has dramatically driven […]

A Splunk Decision Support System

The importance of making credible decisions can be the difference between profit or loss, or even survival or extinction. Decision Support Systems (or DSSs) serve the key decision makers of an organization– helping  them to effectively assess  predictors (which can be rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance) and make the best decisions, reducing […]